Most dancers in the community tend to be super social and outgoing. But there are also many of us introverted dancers trying to be "out there" in order to fit in, or constantly feeling pressured by all the social stimuli. It can be difficult to be someone who craves solitude in a scene where everyone knows everyone and popularity seems to matter a lot. But hey, even if you want to be physically alone... know that you're not alone – emotionally! We feel ya. I feel ya. So let's laugh along at these moments that have provoked anxiety in us introverted dancers!
1. Team retreat or any situation of being stuck in somewhere with people for a weekend or more

Cabin fever for wallflowers.
2. The first few months in a new season when you want to bond with your teammates but are still feeling out personalities and boundaries

When can I start being weird and be taken as weird in a good/funny way and not weird-weird?
3. Eating at a table and worrying you're boring everyone

Is everyone wishing they sat at the other table?
4. Being glued to your phone because you're anxious but hating that you're coming off distant

I'm not even actually doing anything, just pretending to scroll through my feed.
5. When you really just want to be alone but "I hit my limit for social interaction today" is not a valid excuse for missing rehearsal

"Hi sorry *ahem* yeah I can't make it... I'm sick (of people)."
6. Purposely driving places by yourself so you can have a surefire way to leave an event whenever you want

Your anxiety will not be at the mercy of your driver.
7. Getting a big/little/buddy and feeling bad that you aren't as outgoing or fun as they probably want their little/big/buddy to be

I'm trying!!! Here's a care package.
8. Having so much love and appreciation for the team but not being able to share how you feel during circle-ups

If you guys only knew..
9. Laughing a lot at the token "extra" person on the team and secretly wishing you could be as funny in the spotlight

Haha he's "the most."Wait. Am I... "the least"??
10. The feeling that washes over you when it's choreo day and vulnerability is mandatory

11. When it seems like every single dancer is naturally extroverted and you wonder if you'll ever be able to fit in

Is it a pre-requisite? Did I pick the wrong hobby?? Should I take up knitting instead??????
12. When you really just want to get to know other dancers or teammates in a one-on-one setting but don't want to be too forward and ask to hang out

Are they gonna think I'm creepy? Do they secretly want to say no??
13. Having to make small talk at a dance event with the people you only ever interact with on social media and not knowing how to end the conversation IRL

I can't just favorite this tweet and be done oh my god what do I do?!
14. When you want to compliment someone for killin' it in class but no words come out

15. Or when someone compliments YOU and you respond like

"Excuse me! Enjoy! You're welcome! I mean uh. Thank you!"
16. Wanting to go out to a session and just dance but knowing you'll run into hecka people you know

"Oh hey! Who'd you come with?" "Myself.."
17. When you want to ask a question in class and miss the next 8-count because you were debating whether or not to ask the question you had 5 mins ago

"Just raise your hand. No, it's a dumb question.But he said "there's no such thing as a dumb question.."Except this one probably...Wait but I really couldn't see what he did. Maybe just wait. No, just ask!Yes! No! Agh!"*time for groups*
18. Blocking project? I'll just do what you guys say

Nose goes on being the group's leader.
19. Texting your directors that you have to miss practice (even for a good reason)

1: draft text2: hit 'send'3: curl up in a ball and panic
Introverted dancers definitely deal with hang-ups like these, but there are also so many silver linings, too.
1x for...
...the small-group hangouts where you can get to know your teammates more intimately, the times in rehearsal you're happy to observe and soak in all the energy around you, those fellow introverted dancers with whom you grow a genuine bond with over time, for online communities where you can express yourself without the pressures of face-to-face contact. <3
Calling all introverts (quietly) – What are some things you deal with (or delight in!) in the dance world? Comment below and share with us! This article was originally published on November 10, 2015.