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Making your dream team is a huge life event. Winning a trophy can feel pretty darn cool. But sometimes, it's the simpler moments that make dance worthwhile. Here's a list of little dance-things that make us really really happy 😊
1. That glorious morning stretch after a night of dancing. Yaaaaas~~

2. 2 am post-dance meals with homies over delirious jokes (+ loitering in the parking lot after)

3. Heart to hearts with your teammates during long car rides to competitions or events

4. Waking up the morning after a competition day and spending hours in bed catching up on ALL THE LOVE on ALL YOUR FEEDS!!! Congrats and kudos all 'round!!

5. Hearing a song from a past set, or a song you choreographed to (on the radio or in a store wherever) and instantly going back to those memories

6. That feeling when your whole team gets into costume

7. Nice, long, sincere messages to/from your dancer friends or teammates

8. Sayings/mottos/chants/traditions/rituals/inside jokes specific to your team or project that others just wouldn't get

9. Getting picked for select group. Like, of course that's not why you take class, but let's NOT EVEN TRY TO LIE. IT FEELS AWESOME GETTING SELECT GROUP. YOU'RE ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY ABOUT IT OKAY

10. When you meet a choreographer you look up to and they're suuuper down to earth / easy to talk to, and you guys become actual friends
11. Watching a video of yourself that you thought you sucked in but actually did pretty well :')

12. Stepping outside of your comfort zone – whether it's exploring a style that’s not your forte, entering a battle, going up for groups – however you push yourself!

13. Receiving inspirational insight from alumni and older dancers
14. Shy teammates revealing their true ratchetry at team parties. BLOSSOM MY CHILD, BE FREE!!!

15. Meeting new dancers! (Or – introducing yourself to dancers you’ve seen around all the time, or “know of,” but had never formally met)

17. Girls: taking off your sports bra when you get home after an intense, sweaty dance session. UGHHhhhhhh

18. Water.

19. Finally finding THAT perfect song to choreograph to

20. Choreo UN-block! #UNBLOCKTHESWAG
21. Seeing dancer friends from out of town when they visit or come to an event!

22. The moment of clarity when you find out what the actual lyrics of the song are

23. Finding out that you have something else in common with a teammate such as your major or liking the same anime

24. Nodding your head while reading this list, serenely recalling the times you’ve felt these joys, while thinking of a million more of your own, reaffirming the unbounded potential for fulfillment dance brings to your life, in both big and little ways *catches breath*

Happy dancing STEEZY Nation! 😘What other 'small pleasures' can you think of that we as dancers can all relate to? Leave a comment below to share! This article was originally published on May 29, 2014.