So you did it.
You made a TikTok account and you’re finally ready to make your first dance video.
But then, you try making that first video and you can’t hear the music while you film, your bedroom is too small to dance in, and OMG, you went through all that trouble of posting a video and… nobody saw it!
Yep, it turns out that creating that first TikTok video might not be as easy as you thought it would be.
But never fear… STEEZY is here!
Before you hit that record button again, here are a few tips to make your TikTok-making process seamless, stress-free, and successful.
1. Get Inspired by Supporting Other Dancers on Your #FYP
The first step to making a TikTok dance video is coming up with a concept or idea that people will enjoy watching.
But when you’re first starting out, keep in mind that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
The great thing about TikTok is that it’s super intuitive and it WANTS to show you popular content that fits your personal likes – i.e. TikTok’s algorithm wants to inspire you!
If you’ve been on TikTok for a couple of weeks and you’ve been liking nothing but dog videos, chances are... you're getting a bunch of dog videos on your #ForYouPage.
So, go into the search bar at the top of the app and type in “dance challenge” or “DC”. Here is where you’ll find videos of people participating in dance challenges and starting some challenges of their own!
Hit the heart. Comment. Follow.
This will tell TikTok that you like dance videos and soon, dance videos will magically start to appear on your #ForYouPage.
Now that dance content is coming to YOU, you can join in on the fun without having to come up with a crazy, over-the-top, supah innovative idea for your very first video.
Start small by supporting others and getting your feet wet. You can start cranking out your own ideas once you get the hang of the posting basics!
If you want a head start on curating your FYP, read this: 10 TikTok Accounts Every Dance Fan Should Follow
2. Glance at the Recommended Sounds

To take your research up a notch, I highly recommend that you take a few glances at the recommended sounds on TikTok.
The recommended sounds are the sounds that TikTok WANTS you to use. And if you use them, TikTok will reward you by serving YOUR video more frequently to other people.
See if any of the recommended sounds have a dance challenge already attached to them. If it’s your vibe, hopping on that particular challenge could help you get noticed.
I’m not promising a million views or anything, but playing TikTok’s game is key to earning exposure and finding followers.
3. Find the Originator of the Dance Challenge & Tag Appropriately
Being a content creator is hard and we want to make sure that we are rewarding creators and giving credit where credit is due.
That’s why STEEZY is consistently making an effort to bring challenge and dance move creators to teach on our app – then YOU can learn popular TikTok dances directly from the source! Check the classes out HERE.
The dance videos that you’re now seeing on your #ForYouPage should have the originator of the dance challenge tagged in the caption.
If you don’t see it in the caption, check the comments. It’s possible that that particular TikToker didn’t read this article and made a minor faux pas 😬
If you come across a dance challenge that you simply can’t find the creator for within a few minutes of research – choose a different challenge.
The internet works quickly, especially with backlash. You don’t want creators or fans of creators coming after you for not giving credit and passing a DC off as your own.
We’re on the internet to make friends, not enemies, right?
4. Set Up Your Space
Once you’ve got your dance all picked out and you have the moves down, it’s time to work on the visual setup
Why? The internet is FOREVER fam.
Do you really want the stuffed teddy bear you still have from when you were 7 to be prominently featured behind you for millions to see?
Start by facing your camera away from the bed. Or “the chair” – the one where you keep that pile of unwashed clothes.
Instead, find a spot where the background is very simple (like a wall) or visually pleasing (like your tree-lined street).
Next, check your lighting.
If you’re dancing indoors and you don’t have a ton of light in your space, consider buying a tripod and ring light on Amazon.
If the indoor lighting isn’t working for you (or you just don’t have enough space to dance in), try filming outside!
Whether you’re indoors or outdoors, make sure your light source is in front of you, not behind you. Otherwise, you’ll look like those silhouettes from old iPod commercials.
Then, make sure there aren’t tons of competing sounds like people talking, construction, or high winds.
Lastly, double check that your phone is close enough to you so that you can hear the music playing and stay on beat when recording.
Watch this video for even more tips!
I know I just gave you so much homework before making your first video. But remember that you’re here to have fun, not make TikTok your part time job!
Dance is many things, but above all - it should be a source of joy.
Even if you dream of having a million followers one day, try not to go into your first post with lofty expectations.
Each video is a chance to put something out into the universe that people can enjoy, and as long as you look back at the experience of making your video with a smile on your face, you’ve achieved your goal!
So there it is.
A mini guide to inserting yourself into the dance world of TikTok.
Go forth and go viral.
May the odds be ever in your favor.