
Behind The Teams: Ultimate Brawl 2014

Dance Culture

Behind The Teams: Ultimate Brawl 2014

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You've attended competitions year-round, you've cheered on as a spectator, you've lingered on YouTube for far longer than anticipated watching and re-watching your favorite sets. But figuring out the basis of inspiration a team has for the set they produce is usually a lesser known detail that incites much curiosity. This is why words cannot adequately express how excited I am that Steezy is introducing our Behind The Teams series!

The Behind The Teams series will consist of backstage interviews with the top 3 teams from a competition - find out who the artistic masterminds from each team are, what the inspiration for each set was, and more. To kickstart this series, watch the artistic directors of the top 3 teams at Ultimate Brawl explain the method behind their creative, ingenious madness below. 1st Place: 220

2nd Place: Team Millenia

3rd Place: Common Ground

For more videos and insights, subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

What other questions would you ask teams? Leave a comment below!

In case you missed it, check out the first of our Steezy Exchange series with Sorah Yang for some great nuggets of knowledge!