
Stop Being Too Shy To Dance! Here Are 6 Reminders That'll Help

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Stop Being Too Shy To Dance! Here Are 6 Reminders That'll Help

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Do you want to be THAT GIRL/GUY killing it in class or on stage or in a cypher... but you're too shy to dance?

Do you get anxious at the thought of freestyling? Do you get stage fright... no matter how many times you’ve performed? Guess what?? YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

It may seem like all dancers were just born natural performers, but there are plenty of us that are just plain shy.

‍See Related Article: 19 Things That Make Introverted Dancers Anxious

‍But dance is a performing art, so it’s expected of dancers to be able to perform.

If you want to stop being too shy to dance and start being DOPE, then remember these 6 things!

1. No one is watching you dance

too shy to dance

The following is true, not just just for dance, but for life in general: Don't worry about what people think about you...

Because they’re probably not thinking about you. And that’s not an upsetting realization at all! In fact, it’s quite refreshing. It’s freeing.

Since most people are focused on their own performance and execution, they’re too preoccupied to watch or judge you.

So focus on yourself, too! And not this idea that everyone's watching you.

2.You can be someone else when you dance

too shy to dance

You know what the coolest part about dancing is? You’re performing! This means that you can play the role of someone else.

You can literally be anyone you want when you dance, at any place you want, in whatever scenario you design in your mind.

In fact, being a bit emotionally detached from your IRL self is a great way to be able to dance with commitment to another character.

It can help you infuse genuine intention to the piece without the inhibitions you’d normally feel.

‍See Related Article: How To Dance With More Confidence

‍Imagine you as a non-shy version of yourself and dance in that role. Do this enough and you’ll fake it ‘til you make it!

One day, you’ll realize you’re so comfortable performing or freestyling because you’ve played those roles so frequently.

So start performing as that person now – if only for one piece at a time.

3. This is your journey, and yours only


A lot of dancers’ anxiety comes from feeling behind compared to others. We're insecure about not being at a certain level or feel embarrassed performing around really good dancers.

Stop comparing. Stop feeling defeated. Stop using other dancers as benchmarks. Instead, take ownership over your own growth.

Recognize that the only person holding yourself accountable is you.

Whether or not you decide to go take class, audition for a team, or mess up in class... those events are part of your unique journey as a dancer.

Everything and everyone else is arbitrary. Wherever you are is exactly where you’re meant to be at that time.

If you're a complete beginner, or if you want to start dancing and aren't sure how... watch this!

4. Everyone messes up.. And it’s okay. REALLY.

Like the great Hannah Montana once proclaimed, “Everybody makes mistakes.”

‍Even the dancers that you look up to – famous, professional, experienced dancers – they all have stories of grand f^$%-ups.

‍See Related Article: Dancers Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments

So don't let the fear of messing up keep you too shy to dance. Also...I’m not downplaying how seriously people take dance. We’re all crazy passionate about it.

A lot of people build professional, life long careers around it. However, when you put it into perspective

It’s just dancing. Even if you are dancing for a job, a dancer’s mess up at a show is not like a surgeon’s mess up during a surgery.

No one died because you blanked out on that 8-count. No one was hurt from your ripple being early. Nothing blew up because your freestyle wasn’t on point.

It is a dramatic way to put it, but it does help us remember the most important thing: Dance is a luxury and a blessing. Dancing is... fun!

Don't let being too shy to dance keep you from enjoying it.

5. There is no right or wrong in dance

too shy to dance

Yes, there are counts and moves to follow when you’re doing someone else’s choreography. There is technique and cleanliness.

But there are no real rules when you’re choreographing or freestyling on your own. Dance is a body and mind expressing itself.

And there can be no “wrong” when it comes to expression. This is one of the most liberating things that any dancer can realize.

If you get shy about something looking weird, then it will look weird. The key is about owning your weirdness.

In fact, the most unique and eye-catching dancers are the ones who really commit to their own style.

And the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can stop feeling shy about dancing. You’ll start to dance just as you’re meant to.

See Related Article: How To Develop Your Unique Style As A Dancer

6. The worst thing would be to not try

too shy to dance

Do you ever think about the things you could’ve done if your shyness wasn’t holding you back?

‍“If only I went up for that group
 If only I tried out for that team
 If only I introduced myself to that choreographer
If only I wasn't too shy to dance...”

‍Regret sucks. And more often, we regret the things we did not do rather than the things we did. The most unfortunate thing is suppressed or unrealized potential.

And if you keep letting your shyness hold you back, you’ll never know what you’re capable of.

So stop wondering what you could be, and start taking steps to become it!

‍See Related Article: Overcome Your Dance Fears And Live A Creative Life

We hope these ideas helped you overcome your shyness!

Now, stop being too shy to dance and go blossom.

‍If you prefer learning on your own, then try STEEZY Studio.

You can start dancing through the Beginner Program, try out a new style, learn choreography – all in private, at your own pace.

Soon enough, you won't be too shy to dance at all!