
What is it like to be a professional Dancer?

Dance Culture

What is it like to be a professional Dancer?

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If someone were to ask you "what is it like to be a professional dancer?" you probably wouldn't know where to begin...

It's like a "you wouldn't get it unless you're in it" type of thing.

But the Mean Girls know what’s up! These Mean Girls memes about the #dancerlyfe will have you saying, “I know, right?!”

What is it like to be a professional Dancer?

We come up with our own lingo

Like Boom! Squa-naNA, Zeegazüm KA, and weirdly enough, everyone gets it.

Gretchen saying so fetch Mean Girls meme

When a popular dancer or team wears something...

Everyone wants to copy it. No matter how ridic it actually looks.

Awkward girl following trends Mean Girls meme

The most nerve-wracking feeling:

After trying your best in something and wondering what the directors or choreographers are thinking.

Cady walking down the hallway nervous Mean Girls meme

When the team is responsible for finding their own costumes

But the color scheme is super specific and no one quite understands what shades of olive or salmon are acceptable.

Cady's friend obsessing over her hair Mean Girls meme

But once you get your costume together, it's time to bling it on

Because they said "accessories are fine, as long as it's not gonna distract you from dancing."

Karen with backwards rhinestone "k"  Mean Girls meme

And no matter how much freedom the directors gave you initially

They end up getting super nit-picky with costumes.

Gretchen complaining about clique dress code Mean Girls meme

So when your teammates start to panic a few days before

Your Facebook group becomes flooded with suggestions of where to buy things.

Regina getting kicked out of store Mean Girls meme

But it all ends up coming together on show day

Even if you literally got your pants at Target on the way to the venue.

Damian and Janis getting ready for prom Mean Girls meme

After a competition, you keep your wristband on for the next week

Even if it's soggy and gross from multiple showers, because #withdrawals.

Regina complimenting Cady's bracelet Mean Girls meme

You've practiced your "facials"

Especially if you're getting a lot of front-stage time.

Cady making a face Mean Girls meme


So you whip 'em out when you see the action shot photographer

Thinking "Aw yeah, new profile pic."

Regina's mom dancing in the aisle with camera Mean Girls meme

But all of your pictures come out unflattering because of the double chin angle or half-blink

Or girls – your hair just covers your entire face/body/existence.

Regina flaunting her boyfriend Mean Girls meme

And eating healthy during hell weeks is damn near impossible

Because when nothing else is open late, someone will suggest...

Karen asking to o to Taco Bell Mean Girls meme

You've accepted your membership into #teamnosleep

And everything is funny to you at 4-6 am even though you have class or work in 2 hours.

Regina's mom bringing alcohol Mean Girls meme

We rarely bother to dress cute

Why start the day with regular clothes if you're just gonna end up in dance clothes anyway?

Regina saying she can only wear sweatpants Mean Girls meme

But if it's "Spirit Week" during hell week

You have to dress according to a theme each night. Great. 7 more mini costumes to worry about.

Karen saying "On Wednesdays we wear pink" Mean Girls meme

Dancers love to Snap and Insta all the cool fun dance stuff we do

Evoking mad F.O.M.O. in the dancers that weren't there.

Janis making fun of the popular kids' party Mean Girls meme

I mean, your life is pretty much a balance between FOMO about dance stuff

And FOMO about the rest of your lifebecause you're always dancing.(*replace "sick" with "I have rehearsal..")

Karen pretending to be sick Mean Girls meme

The median age for dancers seems to be getting younger and younger

And older dancers slightly envy their access to videos and training.

Little sister dancing Mean Girls meme

When your friend is teaching a class and you help them out

By posting their flyer, or assisting, or even just playing their music for them.

Gretchen saying she's "Such a good friend" Mean Girls meme

And girls who only met once magically develop a BFFship through social media

Selfie? Heart eyes emoji x 1000000.

Regina's mom saying she loves the girls Mean Girls meme

We use really violent phrases to describe "doing well" in a piece

Like "KILLED IT!" or "MURDER/MURK IT!" or "SLAY!!!"

Gretchen having a meltdown about stabbing Caesar Mean Girls meme

When two dancers "collab" or collaborate on making a piece together

We try to mush their names together. Or is that just me? Idk, but it's fun.

Cady agreeing Mean Girls meme

Sometimes it's really hard to hear a sound that a choreographer is dancing to

So when you finally do hear it, you're super proud. Especially if the rest of the class is still struggling.

Karen saying she has a "Fifth sense" Mean Girls meme

Sometimes we get weird YouTube comments

From people who really don't know what they're talking about. So...

Friend saying "Don't let the haters stop you" mean girls meme

Cuz the people who leave hate comments

Are 99.9999999% guaranteed to be irrelevant anyways.

She doesn't even go here mean girls meme

When we go out with our team or other dancer friends

We're always the loudest, most obnoxious group trying to dance up on everyone else.

friend shimmying at prom mean girls meme

Whenever someone has an opinion in the dance community

Time to write out an essay-status Facebook.

burn book mean girls meme

And then someone inevitably responds with a comment

That more or less tells them to calm down because dance is fun.

extra sensitive girl mean girls meme

"Hairography" is when we thrash our head around a lot

So our hair makes our moves look super full-out and dramatic.

girls fighting like animals mean girls meme

Dancers can get kinda defensive about dumb new dance trends

But use them in pieces – in an ironic way, so it's cool!

Regina saying "stop trying to make fetch happen" mean girls meme

When dance competitions end, there's always a Lion-King-like stampede of performers and attendees outside

Hugging, taking pics, and trying to figure out where to eat. But we all secretly wanna go home cuz call time was at 6 am dammit.

boy calling his mom mean girls meme

When dancers have a team banquet at the end of the year,

Prepare for water-werks. Even from the ones you'd least expect to be crybabies.

sensitive girl saying "i just have a lot of feelings" mean girls meme

Trying to figure out the number of dancers that own Adidas Superstars

And you realize...

the limit does not exist mean girls meme

Like attracts like, so a lot of us date other dancers

Until you find out they dated 8 of your other dancer friends so you're like NAH.

Karen hitting basketball with her chest mean girls meme

We're all about energy

So when someone's bringing negative vibes to a rehearsal, class, or event, we're just like.

teacher saying "go home" mean girls meme

When people brag about being humble..

You are. You are so humble. Please post about it some more.

Regina saying "shut up" mean girls meme

When teams place at competitions and it's awesome,

But they really just want to share the love :)

Cady giving away prom crown mean girls meme

So. Who else is itching to re-watch Mean Girls now?? If you do, watch out for more moments that remind you of what it's like to be a professional dancer.

Cady saying "love ya" mean girls meme

Did these Mean Girls memes make you laugh? Wanna share your own dance memes? Comment below! If you want to become a great dancer, take a class on STEEZY Studio today!

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