
10 Minute Online Dance Classes?!

Inside Steezy Studio

10 Minute Online Dance Classes?!

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Let's say you take 100 choreography classes.

No doubt you'll learn certain techniques along the way, like how to milk or do a ball-change.

A choreographer will quickly show how to do it as a part of their piece, or you try to just follow along as you go.

But you never actually learn it, focus on it, practice it... Most of the classes we have on STEEZY Studio teach pieces of choreography.

But we started to wonder – what if we pinpointed those exact skills, and made specific classes on those?

After all, teaching choreography is not the same as teaching how to dance. And we wanna do both!

10 Minute Dance Classes on STEEZY Studio

Our new collection of 10 minute daily classes focuses in on a specific dance skill.

Some examples include: using your core/chest, speed warping, weight changes, and increasing your flexibility.

And yes, we also have shorter choreography combos that you can learn in 10 minutes, too!

The point of these classes was to help dancers with busy lives fit in quick but effective lessons, into their schedules.

Whether it's a skill/technique or 4 8-counts of choreo... These 10 minute classes provide a more focused, purposeful approach to learning.

Related Article: Why It's Never too Late to Start Dancing - Adult Dance Classes

Making The 10 Minute Classes

This was our process for making the 10 minute dance classes:

  1. Collected data on the specific skills dancers were looking to improve. They included: grooves, footwork, strength, textures, isolations.
  2. Designed different formats on how to teach and practice these skills. Some formats included: follow-along classes with minimal talking, HIIT workout routines, a series of moves.
  3. Kevin, Clay, and Jessie taught 6 test classes that we sent out to our Beta testers, along with a survey to get feedback on each of them. We learned a lot of interesting things about what people want to learn, and how they want to learn them.
  4. Brought in instructors David Lee, Tristan Edpao, Brittnie Aguilar, and Charlie Dando, and literally planned out every single section of every single class. Like, we literally scripted out what to say, counted out how many 8-counts of each drill to do, and rehearsed each of the class shoots. This is because we wanted each class to feel complete, and to be as close to the 10 minute-mark as possible.

Watch Connor talk more about the 10 minute classes in this Inside STEEZY video!


Take The 10 Minute Classes On A Busy Schedule

And here is the result! Our collection of 10 minute daily classes.

Wanna try them out yourself? Click here.

And we're always adding to the library, so stay tuned for more (and different) 10 minute classes!