
New Year, New Groove: Dancer Resolutions

Dance Culture

New Year, New Groove: Dancer Resolutions

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How was your dance journey last year? Did you accomplish the goals you set for yourself? Did you set any goals for yourself? Knowing what you want to accomplish, and infusing that desire into your life, is an effective way to keep your motivation alive and manifest your dreams into reality. We asked other dancers to share with us their dance resolutions for the new year.

What are YOUR dance resolutions?! "This year, I will..."

— STEEZY (@thatsteezy_) December 25, 2015

Here's what #STEEZYNation wants to accompish in 2016.

nourish my foundation and breathe more of my own identity.— Mathir Ismael (@mathirismael) December 25, 2015

learn these power moves and prosper.

— Sake on Suzuki's (@bdnheights) December 25, 2015
Dance a duet with a amazing boy dancer ???? Also, continue growing, learning and making dreams, realities.— Elyce Hashtag# (@elycehastings1) December 25, 2015
@thatsteezy_ Focusing on creating choreo to the list of songs that keeps growing ????— Jimmy Leak (@jimmyleak) December 25, 2015
Make longer pieces ????????— Asstin (@asteexy) December 25, 2015
WIDEN MY DANCE VOCAB TO BE CYPHER-WORTHY— Pizza (@PatriciaDote) December 25, 2015
@thatsteezy_ take more ballet, jazz and contemporary classes.— Silvia Del Cid (@SilviaD12) December 25, 2015
In 2016, I will officially join the East Coast community and continue to grow in both skill and confidence— Jaqui Angulo✌️ (@JaquiAngulo) December 25, 2015
...Master a death drop and multiple turns ????— LordPrettyFlackoKiki (@kiki_gee) December 25, 2015

— Justin Bala (@jastinelois) December 25, 2015
Compete compete compete. (HOPEFULLY)— Ralph Cedric Soltes (@LanghapSaRalph) December 25, 2015

I wanna go to a workshop and actually know the full routine 100% during class.

— X'O (@Hxpstr) December 25, 2015
@thatsteezy_ I will choreograph and put out more pieces on a consistent basis.— R. Julian Talens (@rjuliantalens) December 30, 2015

And here's what the STEEZY Studio family is aiming for in 2016: Albert Zhu I really want to help build up my team in North Carolina more! Improving my freestyling as well as trying to bring up my quality of movement. Also, would be REALLY awesome to meet people in other communities--got to do a little bit of that in LA last week and it was DOOOOPE.

‍Aamir Iqbal I have two dance related goals. First is to visit the dance circle/club in my university. My second goal is to find people to freestyle/practice with.

‍Justin SarangayaM y goal is to take all the STEEZY Studio classes this year. Hahaha

‍Camille Santana @xxcamillionaire (IG) Mine would be to train harder this coming yr, really try to make goals and reach it every time I take class (that includes being more confident in myself and not getting intimidated by other dancers

‍Ryan Consebido @RyanConsebido I would like to take classes that aren't really my style or are out of my comfort zone, I'd like to grow as a dancer overall and expose myself to new styles and ways of moving

‍Allison Rodriguez To be a better dancer than I was this year.
‍Juan Portem JeiPortem Aside from working on foundation and basics, I really want to work on my video skills this year. I love videography and editing videos so I want to help out the community and work on producing videos that people would be proud of putting onto their YouTube channels. ????

‍Crisbert Acera I definitely want to explore what I can do through choreography since I'm fairly new at it and to get back to the basics. I've learned so much already but I have so much to still learn about dance and myself. I have a show I have to put together by next April and it something I've never done before. ???? I welcome the stresses and challenges.

‍Crisbert Acera I definitely want to explore what I can do through choreography since I'm fairly new at it and to get back to the basics. I've learned so much already but I have so much to still learn about dance and myself. I have a show I have to put together by next April and it something I've never done before. ???? I welcome the stresses and challenges.

‍Owen Coats-Thomas Get better at freestyling, take more classes, and make choreography (and maybe upload it to YouTube)

‍Nathan Tran Further connect the little dance community that I'm in, get better with grooves, be more creative and smoother with freestyle, learn choreography faster, attempt to make choreo, and meeting more dancers!

‍Jake Grey I just want to stop getting injured. LOL. Kidding aside, I want to push my boundaries and take classes in styles I'm not that comfortable in. Femme, isos, whatever it may be. I'm just looking forward to working my way back into dance life.

‍Bill Francisco @billium_ My new year resolution is to be able to pick up choreo quickly from other dancers, work on my free styling and develop my own choreo so I can express how I feel with the music. I really want to improve on these and more so I can pass down what I learned and experienced and grow more into the dance community.

‍Andrew Lee @andrewonejaylee My New Year resolution for dance would be to lead by example on my dance company: be the first one in the studio during rehearsals, last one to leave, putting in extra hours to work on small stuff (facials, choreo details, fundamentals, etc), taking members out for bonding activities/meals, and just being there for company members who need it. Hopefully in leading by example, I can not only improve as a dancer, but inspire my fellow company members to do so as well

‍Rowan Quinain @rowrowrowan I definitely want to focus on training in fundamentals and improving my technique in different hiphop styles. This is also the first year since I started dancing that I will not be a part of a competitive group, and I want to take that time to take class as much as I can, as well as train my choreographic skills in order to create art I can truly identify with.

‍Izzaz Iskandar @izzaz_iii My new year's dance resolution is to help build up my dance team, by both being a better teacher, motivator, and leader to the juniors and being more consistent in training. I also want to improve my choreography and freestyle skills. Lastly, I don't want to lose sight of why I dance in the first place, which is for self-expression and not to show off.

‍Lucy Shen @lucyelyse94 Took a break from my dance team for one semester and gained 30 pounds lol so hopefully I'll make the team again when I reaudition next semester

‍Simon Huang @heyitsnomis My main goal is to try to audition for and get into a dance team. I feel like I need an additional boost in terms of pushing myself and I think a dance team will help me get better at choreography/being clean. In the meantime I will take as many classes as I can to prepare myself.

‍Marja Katrina Centina @murrrha For my new year's resolution, I want to take more steezy dance classes in order to expose myself to different dancing styles. I also want to work on foundation, and continue to motivate myself to keep dancing for myself and a way to express myself. I found a dance team I'm interested in, so if my schedule allows me and I feel more confident in myself I will try out for the team.

‍Vin Tan @danivantan To work on foundations aaaand to find more time to take workshops!

‍Made any resolutions for yourself this year? Comment below to share your dance goals with us!Ensure these resolutions aren't ditched by February. Take steps to reach those, with the help of this guide. Maybe a year is too long a timeline - see some examples of short-term goal setting, in class.
