
Watch Diamond Bar High's Male Dance Team Do Femme Choreo

Dance Culture

Watch Diamond Bar High's Male Dance Team Do Femme Choreo

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All righty folks. By now, it comes at no surprise how tremendous the talent pool is in the younger generation of our community. From West Covina High School's All-Male team rehearsing day in and day out at The Lab, and junior dance teams dropping our jaws us at every competition, it's no surprise that AwesomenessTV would want to feature a group of talented kids in a YouTube Series.

All Male Dance Team Takes on Freestyle, Femme Choreography on Awesomenesstv

Wanna see what makes them so special? Stay on top of their journey with each episode in their YouTube series – "Brahma Beat"!

In this episode, the boys explore a new style – and learn that "femme" choreography isn't restricted for just girls! Also, a choreographer shares an insecurity many of us can relate to – having his piece in a competition medley. When the stakes are this high, you have to deliver your best work. How does he do it? We leave off on a heartwarming twist, with a dancer receiving a well-deserved reward for his hard work and dedication. What is it? Watch to find out!

Watch Episode 5: "From Freestyle to Fierce"

(See Related Articles: What It Takes To Be One Of The Best High School Dance Teams (Feat West Covina All-Male X The Lab)Dear STEEZY, Any Tips On Joining A Junior Dance Team?)

Want more awesome TV? Follow AwesomenessTV!Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | FacebookBrahma Beat InstagramWith these high school kids working day in and day out, you have no excuse for not training! Take class from the comfort of your own home, with STEEZY Studio.
