
How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Dancers

Training Tips

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Dancers

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You’re scrolling through Instagram or quickly falling down a rabbit hole on YouTube. Dance videos – dance videos everywhere!

You feel inspired, but at the same time, weirdly anxious...

You feel like maybe... you aren’t doing enough.

Or maybe your career isn’t where it should be.

Listen. It happens.

We live in a day and age where we're able to show only the best parts of ourselves. Our highlight reels.

Although social media can connect us and bring us closer, it can also leave us feeling less than, or slow in our process. Which is never true.

So here is a list of things that can help you when the ‘Gram gets too real. (And you’re trippin’ about your career path.)

1. Post about your process.

This will help you see your own growth, and it will inspire others, too. If you take class and crash and burn... so what?! It happens to everyone!

Posting about it will help you not take yourself so seriously and help others to do the same.

It'll deconstruct this notion that you can't be honest about your progress and have to be picture-perfect online.

2. Do your own thing!

Dance class is important. But once in a while, dare to veer away from class to expand your creativity in other ways!

Get some friends together and create a concept video. Create music, paint, write, air bend, basket weave – whatever! The world is yours.

Flexing your creative muscles isn't going to benefit just one art form. The more you practice creating, the more creative you will become as a whole.

Give genuine compliments on others’ accomplishments.

Being genuinely happy for people, and saying so, is a good way to spread some honest positivity.

You'll be contributing to a culture of appreciation, rather than one of competition.

This is a surefire way for you to stop comparing yourself to other dancers, and be inspired by them instead.

3. Take a time out from social media

If you find that all you’re doing is mindlessly scrolling and feeling bad about yourself, then... It’s high time to take a break.

Delete your most-used social media apps off your phone. You don't have to get rid of your account, but just...

Take some time to clear your mind of all that’s happening.

While this may give you #FOMO, your acquaintance from third grade won’t hold it against you if you don’t like a moody pic of them and a matcha latte.

Chill a little. Be present I R L.

4. Be realistic

No one has it easy. Not a single dancer out there got anywhere without at least a bit of self-doubt.

But the key to turning that doubt into motivation is to be self-aware and honest with yourself. Try to find the root of any envy or jealousy you may be feeling.

While your feelings are rational, they are also coming from a place that believes there isn’t enough for everyone.

We all know that the dance world is small, but there are a million opportunities for us out there. There are still jobs for you to book and choreo for you to create.

So the next time you start to feel like you aren’t doing all you could be, recognize all that you have already done! You’ve come a long way and are making great progress.

You didn’t come this far in your journey only to stop because you think you aren’t doing as well as someone else. Their life isn’t yours!

Your life is awesomely yours, so own that. Stop comparing. Start being.