
How To Use STEEZY Studio To Grow As A Dancer

Training Tips

How To Use STEEZY Studio To Grow As A Dancer

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Whatever you want to accomplish as a dancer, you can use STEEZY Studio to make it happen.

Try it free for 7 days!

In the first week, you'll find that you can do all of this.👇

1. Get faster choreography pickup

Being able to learn choreography quickly is something that comes with lots of practice.

So take more classes – regularly.

There are over 1,000 classes on STEEZY Studio where you can pause the video, practice sections on loop, and slow down the tempo.

But if you really wanna improve your choreo pickup skills, challenge yourself to take as many classes as possible at full tempo, all the way through.

That'll help you train your brain to retain the moves.

For more tips on picking up choreography faster, watch this video:

2. Dance cleaner

If you want to dance sharper, crisper, and clearer, pause your STEEZY Studio class to make sure your pictures match the instructor.

Just copy the lines and angles move-by-move!

Then, drill the sections at 50% speed, 5 times. (You have to be able to do something slow, before you do it fast.)

As you're practicing the choreography slowly, let your body memorize how the pictures and pathways feel.

Next, speed things up and practice at full tempo as many times as you need.

Lastly, when you're feeling pretty clean and confident, turn on STEEZY's See Yourself mode to dance beside the instructor using your webcam.

This will make it easy to catch those lassssttt little spots where you're not quite in sync.

Watch this video for more tips on being a cleaner dancer!

3. Get better at freestyling

Training your foundation is the basis of freestyle.

STEEZY Studio has guided programs that teach you all the basic moves and techniques in different styles.

You can take:

Beginner Dance Basics with David Lee

Beginner Heels with Kiira Harper

Beginner Locking with Hurrikane & FireLock

Beginner Ballet with Brittany Cavaco

And so much more!

Plus, if you take a lot of choreography classes, the vocabulary of moves you learn from those pieces will add to your freestyles as well.

4. Learn to choreograph and teach

“You don’t want to look like your heroes, you want to see like your heroes.” – Austin Kleon, Steal Like An Artist

You don’t take classes or watch videos to bite choreo.

The goal is to observe the creative process through another dancer’s eyes, and adopt the tools you need to create your own work.

Since you can’t ask questions during a STEEZY Studio class, the teachers explain their moves super thoroughly.

And a lot of the time, the best way to explain these movements is to talk about how they came up with it.

For example, they describe how a sound made them react in a certain way or how the lyrics in the song translated into a move.

Learning about their processes will show you how to approach choreography.

You can also become a better teacher by learning from great teachers.

ALL of the choreographers on STEEZY Studio have extensive experience choreographing and teaching for teams, classes, workshops, performances, and more.

They know how to create and communicate their work. Understanding how they think and teach will make you a better creator too!

5. Dance with more style

Since there’s no pressure or judgement in an online class, you can practice playing a character, modifying moves – just dancing like yourself.

‍So let yourself play with the choreography!

If anything, be messy. Who cares. Let your body move in ways that feel good to YOU.


There are so many ways to use STEEZY Studio to become a better dancer, whatever “better” means to you!

Sign up for STEEZY Studio to start becoming a better dancer today!