Typical dancer couples' date ideas for dancers:
- collab on a piece
- rehearsal
- a class / workshop
It's nice to have a significant other that shares your passion for dance. But don't get stuck in the same routine date nights! Shake it up this weekend and take bae on an unexpected, fun date! Here are 11 cute date ideas for dancers:
1. Go social dancing

Get dressed to the nines and hit the club for a night of dancing – but dancing that's not the uje jmping / head bobs to thumping EDM, or grinding to hip hop and r&b. Forget that you're a novice to partner dancing (or if you're an expert, hey! All the more reason to go), forget that you probably won't know too many other people there. And that's the point! To get lost in the flair and character of the music, grab your partner's hand and swear you're on the set of Dirty Dancing. It's the perfect mix of intimate and lively.
2. Go thrifting for dance clothes / costumes

Even if you don't have a performance coming up, going shopping at a thrift store with your bf/gf is a fun date for dancers (or anyone!) because you get to
- Come up on some new gear, at great prices
- Get to know your partner's style
Related Article: The Struggles Of Choosing A Costume For A Dance Performance Aside from just shopping, there are 2 games you can play at thrift stores.
1: Set a $10 budget, and separately hunting for a gift that you think your s/o will enjoy. It's like instant white elephant.
2: Have each person dress the other from head to toe - no objections allowed! Go HAM with wigs, hula skirts, vintage tunics, clogs, whatever you can find. Take at least 10 photos of each other and turn it into an embarrassing (*cutely-embarrassing) collage.
3. Freestyle on ice

Channel your inner Elsa from Frozen with your dancer siggy'o. Bundle up, lace up, and link up arms with your bf/gf to make rounds around the rink... BUT Take turn freestyling + lip syncing to whatever song is playing. The other person records it on their phone to capture the magic. Related Article: 5 Dance Tips To Begin Your Freestyle Foundation
If you're an ice skating virgin, this'll be quite the challenge – one that will end with butt bruises and icy fingers, but also with a lot of giggles and adorbz.Both of you on the shy side? Forgo the freestyle, instead enjoying a nice few rounds on the ice, and use the setting as an excuse to warm each other up. Mittens + pink noses = 2 cute 4 wordz. Did I mention hot cocoa?? (*Many ice-skating rinks are open year-round, so you can enjoy this activity during any season!)
4. Shoot some (amateur?) headshots

Here's the #1 tip in the guide of dating a dancer: We. Love. Pictures. Even if neither one of you is a professional photographer or owns a nice camera, it's still a fun way to revel in how hot your bf/gf is. And come out of it with a new phone wallpaper. Get dressed up, made up, pick a scenic location (beaches, mountains, city streets, rooftops, even backyards and sidewalks) and take turns shooting photos of each other. They'll be useful when you need a headshot for your workshop flyer, or, you know, for your LinkedIn profile.O r, just for IG, where you can PC: @bae4evr to let everyone know how cute and artsy and supportive you two are.
Don't forget your #MCM/#WCW hashtags! Related Article: 10 Things Dancers Love To Post On Instagram Andddd, if you wanna go the whole nine yards, grab your selfie stick, or borrow someone's DSLR, and self-timer that sucker to get some cute couple pictures together. Hella extra. But hella worth it.You can always hit up a friend to take them for you, but something about doing it on your own is a lot more fun :3
5. Bake some goodies for the team

Team love is probably a close second to the love you feel for your bf/gf. So combine those loves and do something nice for the team together! Related Article: If Your Dance Team Was A Woman…This Is How She Would Make You Feel
Even if you're not on the same team, making something small for each others' is a really sweet (literally) gesture to show your teammates that you care. And it'll make them ship you cuties even harder. Who wouldn't love a couple that brings cookies to practice?! You cuties! Please get married! Cooking is a good date idea, too, but baking is a lot more light-hearted and sexy! Like helloOoO frosting? Whipped cream?? I'll leave the rest to your imag ;)
6. Work it out

Dance is quite physically demanding – it's both art and sport! Give your body a good training, pure training, at the gym, or by taking a fun class with your partner. Remember, your body's strength and mobility directly benefits your dancing abilities! Related Article: How To Utilize Your Body To Execute Choreography Better
Kickboxing, yoga, pilates, gymnastics - find one through Groupon or your local fitness center and sweat it out with your bf/gf. You can yell motivating phrases to each other intermittently. Gawk at their muscles flexxin'. Squats inappropriately closely. Do that thing where you do sit-ups towards each other and meet in the middle for a kiss each time. And then have a much-deserved and justified pig out session immediately post-workout. I think we burned around 400,000 calories, right??
7. Get massages

This is the BEST dancer date idea, especially for the chronically sore. Even if you don't get through a crazy workout (as outlined in #6), as a dancer, you probably have a few knots that could use a nice massage. Splurge on a whole spa day, or just schedule massages for you & bae. You'll leave feeling relaxed, refreshed, and ready to do some more dancing. Tip: Pay attention to what the massage therapist is doing, and take note. That way, you and your partner can give each other massages next time, targeting those areas that the therapist did. No more knotty girl (/boy). I mean, don't you just RUB rubbing each other?!
8. Lunchtime + playtime

One of the most lowkey, yet memorable date ideas, is to pack a picnic of sandwiches and snacks, (pizza lunchables and juice boxes?!) and go to the park. You just need the food, a mat or blanket, and a full embrace of child-like wonder. After eating, become children again on the playground. Most of us started dancing because it's fun. That simple – it's fun. But we get so swept up in all the noise that we forget to enjoy it. Children, when they dance or play, are just having fun. Tracing back to that child-like joy may just rekindle your passion for dance, too. Related Article: 4 Simple Things Choreographers Can Do To Stay Inspired
Doing things that aren't directly dance-related, but feed the soul, are still dance-related, because dance is soul-related. That sounds like a riddle, but it's not. Being playful in life will make you more playful in dance.
9. Teach a youth class

There is most likely a studio or fitness center or junior team that would love to have their little dancers get some free training. Volunteer to teach a workshop with your signif other. Teaching an adult workshop might feel like too much of a project and not enough of a date. But doing some good for the junior community while having silly fun with your partner is a wonderful, pressure-free experience. Also.. you get a glimpse of how they are with kids. Ahem hem. Related Article: Bridge Juniors Gives A Peek Into The Bright Future Of Our Dance Community
10. YouTube & chill

Maybe it's not the most creative date idea for dancers, but it's a chance to create your own Dance-TimeHop experience. Here it is –Netflix and chill with a twist: instead of the usual shows you watch, have a night of sharing old dance videos with each other. Even if you've known each other for like, ever, chances are, there are a number of videos that the other person has not seen. The older and more embarrassing, the better! Related Article: How YouTube Gives Artists The Freedom To Showcase Their Work
11. Put your records on

I hope no one's lactose intolerant cuz this one's about to be cheesy. It's perfect for you romantics with old souls, who long for simpler times. Slower times. Put on a slow song, an oldie, preferably. (Bonus points if you have an actual record + record player.) Dim the lights. Hold each other. And justdance. We hope that you lovebirds took away some fun dancer date ideas to put in motion! Remember to love dance, and love each other, and to let both of those loves grow by fostering it with healthy, playful activities and habits. Happy loving, happy dating, happy dancing y'all.
How about STEEZY Studio & chill? Become better dancers TOGETHER by taking class from the comfort of your own home! This article was originally published on January 17, 2016.