While you learn a lot about dance by taking class or being on a team, there are some tips and tricks in dancer life that you can only learn from experience.
Lucky for you, we found a bunch of useful h4xx over years of dancing.
Here are our top 7 that'll make your life as a dancer a bit easier!
1. How To Download YouTube Videos To Your Phone (For Instagram)
See Related Article: 10 Things Dancers Love To Post On Instagram
Wanna show off how sick you were in select group? It's okay to admit it. We all do.
Here's how you can: Type in "ss" before "youtube" in the link to the video.
For example, let's try downloading our infamous "Dancer Problems" Video:

Take the link and type in "ss" between "www." and "youtube"-
It'll take you directly to savefrom.net, where you can download the file in MP4 format, up to 720p (not bad!)

From here, e-mail or message the file to your phone, and save it to your Camera Roll.
If the file is too big, save it to Google Drive or Dropbox, then save it to your phone.
Boom! That clip is in your camera roll, ready to be insta-uploaded.
2. How To Fit Everyone In The Class / Rehearsal In Your Video
When you're recording like 30+ people on a team or in a class, people on the side often get cropped out.
There are a few ways around this:
a. Get a wide-angle or fish-eye lens
These universal clips come in handy because they are so small and convenient, and fit on most devices.
b. Use your mirrors
Instead of recording from the front of the room, get someone to stand on a chair in the center-back of the studio. Position the frame to go OVER dancers' heads, and record the reflection in the mirror.
Not only will you be able to fit more people in, you'll be able to see the movements from the correct mirror-image-flipped perspective, AKA the more visually convenient one.
c. Invest in a camera
Though you definitely do not need to buy a camera to get great footage, it is a good investment if you plan on doing more photo or video work.
Check out this list of our top 5 picks!
See Related Article: 5 Best Cameras For Recording Amazing Dance Videos You’ll Love! (For Every Budget)
3. How To Make Your Shoes Less Slippery For The Stage

Cute shoes are , unfortunately, NOT comfy dance shoes..
But BUT BUT- the costume calls for tan or light brown Oxfords! And the ones you have, you've only worn to church, or that one time you felt like kinda-dressing up for school.
It'd be a nightmare to slip or fall during a performance – yet stages can be mad slippery, making prime real estate for falls. And gripless shoes do not help. So what do you do??!
See Related Article: The Struggles Of Choosing A Costume For A Dance Performance
a. Duct tape your soles
The stickiness of the tape will provide more grip for your feet. Just make sure that you use the right color! Shining silver soles can be distracting.
b. You betta spray
No doubt there will be a number of hairspray cans around, anyway. So if you want a quick fix, rub your hair on your shoes! Nah, just kidding. Spray it.
c. Moonwalk on concrete
Scuffing your shoes on rough, rocky concrete, supposedly breaks apart the smooth surface a little, giving it a few ridges to grip the floor better.
d. Tech in your performance shoes
Unless your costume is super crazy or you have changes, it doesn't really matter what you wear during tech time.
But always wear the shoes you will be performing in! It's the only time you'll have to test how they feel on that particular stage before you're performing.
You don't want any surprises during the actual show. Even discomfort can be adapted to – if you know what to expect!
4. How To Avoid Crowded Bathrooms When Getting Ready

a. Rotate your mirror
Girls.. We all know that panicked feeling when you have 10 minutes from your last run-through until your meet-up time for the show.
You go to the bathroom and fight through a flock of other girls, hair curlers, makeup bags, to have only A DAMN SQUARE INCH of the mirror.
Bring a full-length mirror to your next competition.
If you lay it sideways, you and 3 other teammates can use it, anywhere. Me-rrors? More like OUR-rrors!
Take DIS

and use it like DIS!!!!
b. Prepare power strips

Bringing a power strip to a competition will make you so popular, trust me.
You can out-LET those with curling wands, straightening irons, phone chargers use their devices! Plug ALL the things!!
5. How To Never Forget Anything On Competition Day

While we're on the topic of performance day, here's a foolproof checklist for your duffel bag for a show:
- (Put on your entire costume the night before, then pack it! = no forgetting belts or shoes!!!)
- Safety pins
- (It's so weird.. I never use safety pins, but without fail EVERYONE needs safety pins on show day.)
- Bobby pins and hair ties
- (Always. ALWAYS.)
- Hair & makeup products
- (Gel? Mousse? Spray? Oil blotters? Fake lashes and adhesive?)
- 5-Hour Energy
- (If that traditional pre-show Starbucks run doesn't cut it for ya)
- TONS of water
- (& snacks- like a ziplock bag full of trail mix/Cheerios and a XXX Acai Blackberry Pomegranite Vitamin Water)
- Extra shirts
- (To sweat through during your longer-than-expected rehearsal)
- Advil/Ibuprofen
- (Loud music, anxiety, long car rides? Headaches are inevitable)
- Band-Aids
- (As are minor cuts and pokes)
- Tide To-Go
- (Or don't eat wings after tech!)
- Mints/gum
- (Always)
- Phone charger
- (Trust me.)
- Ear phones
- (To listen to the mix 100 times as you lay your head on your bag and envision yourself on stage)
- Pads and tampons
- (Ladies, if not for yourself, for your gal pals who didn't think ahead)
- Lint roller
- (That 4K camera WILL show your linty black shirt!)
- Cash
- (For vendors and food, just in case!)
- &... Cute clothes for the afterparty! ;D
6. How To Make Sure Your Makeup Doesn't Slide Off Your Face During Class
Makeup is a personal choice; those who choose to wear it while dancing are gr8, those who do without are also gr8.
But what's NOT so wonderful, is looking like this:

Maybe you don't need a full-on waterproof makeup routine, but a few things do help sweat-proof your makeup.
The staples to give your look a bit more lasting power, are primers and waterproof eyeliner and mascara.
You can also use regular products, then use a setting spray or powder to lock it in place.
Boom! Stay slayin'.
7. How To Train ANYWHERE, ANYTIME With The Best Choreographers
Wanna take class, but can't afford the cost?
Can't drive to a studio every night, or have school/work during studio hours?
Do you live somewhere where there aren't many classes or workshops, at all?
STEEZY Studio's your perfect solution.
Sign up now to start training FO FREE!
Did you find this list helpful? Do you have any other useful tips for fellow dancers? Leave a comment below and share with us!This article was originally published on June 16, 2015.