Do you want to learn how to Pop your neck? How to Pop your arms? Your PECTORALS?
Let's learn about the *Pop (sometimes referred to as a Hit), and practice Popping with different parts of your body.
*We will be using the terms "Pop" in this article.
What is a Pop, or Hit?
A Pop, or Hit, is the most fundamental move in Popping. In fact, some might even say that it is the only move that really defines Popping.
Read about the style here: What Is Popping?
Popping is done by flexing specific muscle groups, usually to beats in music.
Dancers Pop continuously to a steady rhythm, while using different poses and pathways in between Pops.

How do you Pop?
The more energy you put into flexing, within a smaller amount of time, the stronger you Pop will look.
Learning how to Pop requires a lot of repetition and drilling, so practice Popping using one body part at a time.
As a result of conditioning, your body will memorize how to Pop certain body parts in different angles and pictures.
How to Pop your chest

Popping with your chest requires you to control your core. Suck in your lower stomach /diaphragm to push your upper chest out.
The faster you do it, the stronger your hit will look. Also, curve your spine in and out to create an even bigger effect.
How to Pop your neck
To practice neck Popping, use the muscles in the front of your neck to control moving your neck forward, back, and side to side.
While, try to keep your chin level, because isolating your neck will make it easier to see how much your head is moving.
“It should feel like something is tapping you on the back of your head.”
– Boogie Frantick
How to Pop your arms

Start with your arms outstretched, straight front of you (parallel to the ground). Loosen your arms by bending your elbows a bit, then flex everything.
If you want to know how to Pop with your hands, then snap downward with your wrists as your knuckles snap upward.
Pretend like you're revving a motorcycle engine really fast.

Afterwards, you can put all these parts together to create a full arm pop.
How to Pop your legs

Sit on a chair and focus all your energy on flexing your left, then right leg. Then stand up and try to execute the Pop with the same control.
Since it's more comfortable to train on a chair, you'll be able to strengthen your thigh and calf muscles before doing it standing.
All these tips are from Boogie Frantick's Beginner Popping Program on STEEZY Studio.
You'll learn all the basics, so it's perfect for beginners who don't know how to Pop.
He'll go in-depth with each technique, and give you drills that you can practice anywhere, anytime.

If you want to keep practicing your Pops/Hits, then take Clay's 7 Days of Hits Program on STEEZY Studio.
Each day, you'll practice hitting with a different part of your body, or learn a new concept like textures or timing. Try it now for free!