Wanna learn how to dance at home?
There are times you get really motivated to become a better dancer...
BUT You either live 92736 miles from the nearest studio, classes are not being offered on that day, you have no ride, or you can't afford to pay for a class.
Ugh, buzzkill.
It's not always possible to take a dance class or workshop whenever inspiration strikes. But that doesn't mean you can't dance!
You can get getter at dancing anywhere, anytime... including your own living room. Here are 4 ways to learn dance at home!
1. Practice a piece you've already learned

Ever take a class that was soooo good?
Well, that experience doesn't have to end! You can keep practicing that piece on your own time.
Start by playing the song and marking the piece in your head. Then try it with a light mark.
(You don't need a mirror here, but it does help for cleaning.)
Once you remember how it feels, turn off the song and go over each 8-count in detail.
Try and remember the notes that the choreographer gave that you may have missed because of the pressures of class.
Got it more ingrained in your muscle memory? Cool. Now go full out.
With more leeway on time, you have the luxury of really playing around with the choreography – adding performance, facials, some freestyle, etc.
This is a great way to get better at dancing and hone your strategy in class taking.
Re-learning a piece at your own pace will help you understand how to approach a piece the next time you take a class.
Get more ideas on how to keep learning dance at home! How You Should Practice After Learning A Piece
2. Drill fundamental exercises and grooves

Popping, Locking, Waacking, House, etc., – whatever style you want to get better in, the key to improvement is all the same – repetition.
Play a song, and practice the basics. Switch it up every few 8-counts or so.
Combine variations of those basic drills – this is the skeleton to your freestyle! Doing this will not only strengthen your fundamentals, but it's also a practice in mental discipline.
You will strengthen the body parts you engage, getting the grooves into your muscle memory.
Want to drill your Popping fundamentals? Try Boogie Frantick's Popping Program on STEEZY Studio!
Boogie also gives tons of practice drills that you can do on your own time, outside of the class. Or, practice Hip Hop Grooves with Bianca Vallar.
This class will definitely get your body loose and comfortable. Bust out these moves in a freestyle circle or at the club!
Carlo Darang from Choreo Cookies, Building Block, and STEEZY Studio talks about grooves here:
3. Stretch and strength train your body

As dancers, our bodies are our most important tools. It's crucial to keep it healthy, strong, and flexible.
Even if you're not actively dancing, you can still become a better dancer by stretching and strength training your body.
Identify a few parts of your body that you'd like to strengthen.
For instance, Do your arms feel floppy when you dance? Are you having problems with balance? Do you want to kick higher or jump further?
Targeting key areas will make you more confident and better able to execute in a way that you envision for yourself.
When you have a better understanding of your body, you get better at dancing with it.
Unsure of where to start? Your core is a great body part to train – a stronger core will mean better balance, control, and strength.
Do crunches, planks, and other ab exercises are easy ways to become a better dancer at home.
Try out: 7 Stretches To Help You Dance Better (And Stay Injury-Free!)
4. Learn how To dance on STEEZY Studio
When I first started dancing, I'd find pieces on YouTube and try to learn it off of the 240 pixel non-mirrored video.
But now... there's STEEZY Studio.
STEEZY Studio brings dance classes from world-class choreographers straight to your home.
You can review certain sections, skip 15 seconds forward or back, switch quickly from front / back views, and practice in a slow, medium or tempo speed as many times as you need.
Sign up now and start learning dance at home!
You have everything you need to dance at home!
We hope these ideas inspired you to train – with or without a studio.
Have other suggestions for training at home? Leave a comment below and share with us!